Answered By: Lisa Hawksworth
Last Updated: Jan 08, 2021     Views: 6411

You can insert quotations of up to three lines into the text, using single quotation marks. For example:

The Chief Justice explained that this power ‘is not limited to defence against aggression from a foreign nation’. 61

Use double quotation marks for short quotations within quotations.

If you have a quotation of longer than three lines, you should present it as an indented paragraph and not use quotation marks, but leave a line space either side of the indented quotation and use a colon to introduce the quotation. For example:

Lord Hoffmann reasoned as follows:

It seemed to be logical to found liability for damages upon the intention of the parties (objectively ascertained) because all the conceptual liability is voluntarily undertaken. It must be in principle wrong to hold someone liable…12

The footnote marker comes after any closing quotation marks and punctuation.

See the OSCOLA referencing page for more guidance.

Please note you should always refer to any departmental/school guidelines you’ve been given.

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