Answered By: Paul Catherall
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024     Views: 1703

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What is Systematic Review?

Systematic Review is an approach often used for medicine and related health disciplines to analyse a range of existing academic studies. You may be asked to use a Systematic Review model for your research project, major Systematic Review methods include the PRIMSA and Cochrane models.

You can see examples of systematic reviews in the academic literature, such as reviews published within periodicals or journals by searching Library Search (shown in the University Library Web site or Library for Online Programmes).

Searching for Systematic Review Cases/ Articles

When searching for systematic reviews using major databases such as Library Search, SCOPUS or Web of Science, try including the term ‘systematic review’ alongside key terms/ keywords related to your topic. For results related to individual systematic review systems such as PRISMA, include relevant terms e.g. ‘PRISMA systematic review’, ‘Cochrane systematic review’ or ‘PRISMA meta-analysis’ (an approach used for statistical analysis).

For example, the search phrase "psychology of social influencing systematic review" will show these results in 'Library Search'.

Theses and academic research in the University repository

You can view systematic review related works such as doctoral theses and academic research submitted to the University research repository.  

The University does not retain Masters dissertations in our research repository. If you are looking for examples of systematic reviews or prior submissions of Masters dissertations for your subject, you should approach your tutor or Dissertation Advisor.

Note - no Masters level works are stored by campus services, please approach your dissertation advisor for access to sample dissertations, or for dissertations published at other universities, see subscribed dissertation platforms such as ProQuest. For UoL theses available in digital format, see the UoL research repository.

Dissertations with external Universities

For example dissertations completed at other Universities where a systematic review model was used please use the ProQuest collection for Theses and Dissertations.

You will need to visit the advanced search option in ProQuest then a little way down the advanced search page, see the option for 'Masters' works (note this is shown as 'Masters Theses' due to differing uses of this term internationally).

Online students can see ProQuest in the Library for Online Programmes then see E-Resources > Theses and Dissertations then see the ProQuest collection.

Further Help on Systematic Review

For guidance on systematic review models you may have been advised to use in your studies please refer to specific guidance in your research methods module or programme handbook.

Online students can see links and support resources on using major systematic review methods for PRISMA and Cochrane in the Library for Online Programmes, see the Subjects page, then Health and Medicine, then see the 'Systematic Review' tab.

See the Quick Start and Training area in the left menu of the Library for Online Programmes for general advice on the literature review, searching and using databases. Also see our guide/ tutorial on carrying out your literature review or systematic review under the Research tab.

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