Answered By: Nadia Woods
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024     Views: 67

A number of additional steps are required to create direct, stable links to content in Lexis+ and Westlaw UK. Further editing of the fields in Reading Lists @ Liverpool may also be required once the link has been created. See below for step-by-step instructions.

To work out which database contains your case or article, search for the law report or journal title on Library Search. You may need to use the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations to decipher the source abbreviation.

For example, to find the following case: R v Liverpool Magistrate’s Court, ex parte Slade [1998] 1 All ER 60 you need to know which source the abbreviation All ER refers to.

Go to the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations and search for the abbreviation All ER:

Search box for Westlaw UK with 'all er' showing as search term

Click on Search and you’ll get the result that All ER stands for “All England Law Reports”:

Search result for All England Law Reports

Use Library Search to find All England Law Reports. You will be presented with a “Suggested Database” at the top of the search results:

Library Search result for All England Law Reports

This refers you to Lexis. Follow the steps to login. On this first page titled “Sign in to Lexis Library”, select “Academic Sign-in”:

Sign In Screen for Lexix with Academic Sign In highlighted by a red circle

Select “View All Institutions” and pick the University of Liverpool from the list:

Sign In page showing a drop down arrow to select the institution

This will direct you to the Lexis+ homepage and you can search for the specific law report or journal title here.

If we continue with our example - if it is not already one of your pinned sources, one of the quickest ways to locate the All England Law Reports is to head to “View All Sources” on the “My Sources” tab of the Lexis+ homepage:

Lexis+ Homepage. My Sources and View All Sources highlighted with a red circle

List of results showing All England Law Reports

If you need to link to an Act, you can try either Lexis+ or Westlaw UK to search for the Act or BAILII.

For case transcripts with neutral citations, if the case isn’t on Lexis or Westlaw you can try BAILII.

If you are looking for European legislation, try Westlaw UK or you may need to try one of the official EU sources, see the index at

Note: If there is an alternative source for an article other than Lexis+ or Westlaw UK then use that. For example, an article might be in the Cambridge Law Journal, which is available via Westlaw UK but also via the publisher site (amongst others) which makes linking easier. Only link to Lexis+ or Westlaw UK if there is no alternative.

Assuming that you are directed to Lexis+ to access a particular source, when in Lexis+ you need to search for the specific item. For example, if you are looking for the case:

R v Liverpool Magistrate’s Court, ex parte Slade [1998] 1 All ER 60

Within Lexis+ click on the Cases link within the Content tab:

Lexis+ Home page showing search box with Links for Contents and Cases highlighted with a red circle

This will take you to the specialist cases searches page. Then head to Advanced Search:

Search page for Lexis+ Showing Advanced search link

In the Case Search screen, enter the case citation [1998] 1 All ER 60 into the Citation field. This is unique and will ensure you locate the correct report:

Access the case and click the chain icon in the top right hand corner of the screen to access the stable link:

Chain icon shown in a list of links

Copy this link:

Link is highlighted and the copy button shown after a right click.

Close the “Link to this page” pop up box and go back to the case screen. Click on the Add to My Bookmarks button on your toolbar.

Reading Lists @ Liverpool will pull through some of the bibliographic information from Lexis+. Replace the URL in the Web Address field with the stable URL you have just copied. Edit the title field to reflect the full case citation as per the reading list:

Create and Add to List.

Browse or search to the content that you want to link to. For example, if you are looking for the following article:

Neil Baki, ‘Too much too little too late? Draft CPS guidance on speaking to witnesses’ (2015) 26(5) Ent. L.R. 155-159

First use the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations to decipher Ent. L.R. You’ll see it refers to Entertainment Law Review. Check the library catalogue to see where we have access to this journal: Westlaw UK is the only location.

When in Westlaw, you need to locate the article. Go to the Journals tab and copy and paste the article title into the Article Title field:

Case Search screen

Open up the full-text of the article and click on the Copy Link chain icon on the right-hand side of the screen and copy the link:

Link icon is highlighted by a red circle.

Link in box highlighted for copying.

This link will need to be pasted into the Link Resolver to get a stable Liverpool link.

Click on the Add to my Bookmarks button in your toolbar to bring the metadata through to Reading Lists @Liverpool. Replace the link in the URL field with that generated via the Link Resolver. Edit the title and other fields, if necessary. Click Create to add the item to your bookmarks.

Form for adding a title to Bookmarks.

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