Answered By: Gwen Jones
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024     Views: 7304

Yes, there are various options available depending on the type of library you wish to use.

SCONUL Access is a national scheme that allows academic staff, postgraduates and part-time, placement or distance learning undergraduates from participating institutions to register with, and borrow from, other university libraries.  Full time undergraduates can also apply for a card which allows access for reference only. The University of Liverpool Library is a member of SCONUL Access.

If you fall into any of the above categories you can apply online for SCONUL Access membership. Once approved you will receive an email which you can take to the University Library that you wish to use, as long as they are members of SCONUL Access.

IT facilities and access to electronic journals and databases are not included in the scheme and the availability of some collections may be restricted at the discretion of the participating Library. Please check the opening hours of the library you wish to visit, and note too that library access may be restricted to SCONUL Access members over the assessment periods.

We are also part of the SCONUL Summer Vacation Scheme. For further information see I am a student at another University, can I use the Library? 

If you need to access material which is only located in the British Library you will need to obtain a Reader Pass. Note that you will need your University membership card and also some proof of address.

Staff and students can also borrow from the British Library Document Supply Centre by applying through our Get It For Me service.

Staff and students from the Liverpool Medical Institute can register with the Library and borrow up to 10 items. Proof of status must be shown at the point of registration. 

Only staff and students at the University of Liverpool who are studying Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine courses are able to borrow from the LSTM Library (formerly known as the Donald Mason Library) using their University student or staff ID card.

All other staff and students wishing to access the library should apply through SCONUL. Some categories of SCONUL members are able to borrow; others have only reference use.

The LSTM library, also known as Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Library, is located in LSTM’s Maegraith building on Pembroke Street. (Liverpool L3 5QA).  

More information about Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and the library can be found LSTM website.

Central Library, William Brown Street, Liverpool L3 8EW. 0151 223 5829. The main Liverpool City Public Library is situated in William Brown Street next to the Museum and Art Gallery. It is one of the largest public libraries in Britain and it is open to all members of the public for reference purposes. Borrowing is free to residents, students and employees within Liverpool. Access for reference is available through the Libraries Together, Liverpool Learning Partnership.

The Library has the following departments: Central Lending, Science and Technology, Art and Recreation, General and Social Science, Business and Information, Central Junior, International, Music, Liverpool Record Office and the Local Studies library.

Liverpool John Moores University Library has two main Learning Resource Centres. They are open to all members of the University of Liverpool, for reference, through the Libraries Together, Liverpool Learning Partnership . You will need to show your University Membership card at the entrance. Access is normally granted to members of the University, via SCONUL. Reciprocal borrowing rights exist for permanent members of academic staff from the University of Liverpool.

The Aldham Robarts Learning Resource Centre, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5UZ. Telephone: 0151 231 3634/3701. Collections includes art and design, business, built environment, criminal justice, law, librarianship, media and cultural studies, modern languages, social work and youth and community work.

The Avril Robarts Learning Resource Centre,Tithebarn Street, Liverpool. Telephone: 0151 231 4246. Collections include archaeology, childhood studies, biomedical and natural sciences, computing, engineering, geography, health sciences, maritime studies, pharmacy, social sciences and sports science.

The Sheppard-Worlock Library, Hope Park, Liverpool L16 9LB. 0151 291 2001. The Sheppard-Worlock Library is open to University of Liverpool students for reference through Libraries Together, Liverpool Learning Partnership. Access is normally granted to members of the University, via SCONUL. Reciprocal borrowing rights exist for permanent members of academic staff from the University of Liverpool.

Learning Resources, University Of Chester, Parkgate Road, Chester, CH1 4BJ. 01244 375444. The University of Chester Library is open to members of the University of Liverpool for reference use.

Learning Services, St Helens Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 4QP. 01695 575171. Edge Hill University Library Service has an extensive education resource collection of books and materials to support school practice work. It is open to members of the University of Liverpool for reference use.

Access to Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA) is available by appointment only, through Liverpool Libraries Together.

LIPA (Liverpool Institute For Performing Arts) provides a specialist Learning Resource Centre (LRC) devoted to the performing arts, tailored to the needs of staff and students at the institution.

The LRC is part of the Liverpool Libraries Together partnership and as such welcomes visitors from participating institutions which includes the University of Liverpool. The LRC is unable to provide access on demand but, if access is required, then an appointment should be made in advance: / 0151 330 3111. When making an appointment, it should be specified which materials are required for consultation. Every effort will be made to accommodate visitors but this cannot be guaranteed.

When visiting, it is necessary to bring your valid University student or staff ID card for identification.

The following restrictions apply to visitors:

  • Some printed materials may be photocopied (in accordance with the CLA Licensed Copying User Guidelines which are displayed above the photocopier)
  • No copying of audio material (CDs, cassettes, vinyl), videos, DVDs or scores is permitted
  • No items may be borrowed
  • There is no access to computing facilities (including scanning) or electronic resources.

Click on the following links for details of other local public libraries in Cheshire West and Chester, HaltonKnowsley, Sefton and Wirral.



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