Answered By: Paul Catherall
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024     Views: 2060

Also ensure you have viewed our Quick Start guide/ video for an overview of Library systems and services.

To access the Library for Online Programmes you must log in (from the 'Log in' icon in the left menu) using your University of Liverpool (MWS) login.

If you have never activated your login, or have never been supplied a University login (username and password), then you will need to activate your login before you can use the University network. For further guidance on activating your UoL (MWS) login, also see this Library Answer.

The IT Service Desk provides a 24/7 telephone service on: +44 (0)151 794 4567 it is useful to remain on the line until you have been able to log in. Alternatively, please email IT support at: or using our Web form.  

If you have forgotten your University password, you can set a new password using our forgotten password form.

You can access E-Resources using the Library for Online Programmes. You can also use the on-campus Library, however this site may display physical shelf items or other results which may not be readily accessible in digital format, whereas the Library for Online Programmes is configured for access to Full-Text resources as far as possible.

You must log into the Library for Online Programmes before attempting to access Library resources; once you have logged into the Library you can access our Library Search multi-source platform and other online databases.

If you try to access individual commercial collections outside the Library, by visiting their homepage or via a normal Google search, you will find you are not logged into commercial collections to access subscribed resources (you can also see options to search Google using your University login in the Library for Online Programmes - searching Google via the Library will ensure you can access subscribed collections).

We suggest using our multi-source Library Search platform as your starting point for keyword/ title searches for eBooks and E-Journal articles; you can find a large Library Search search box on the homepage of the Library for Online Programmes and in the E-Resources page.

Library Search includes checkboxes to refine your search to E-Journal articles, E-Books, Peer Reviewed items, Non-Restricted (non-DRM E-Books which can be printed/ downloaded), or Search by Title (rather than search by keywords).

To go to a particular article you can also use the 'Go to an article', tool shown on the E-Resources, then  E-Journals page, you will need to input the journal name, volume, issue, year and start page.

You can see further multi-source E-Journal platforms on the homepage of the Library for Online Programmes (e.g. Web of Science, SCOPUS etc.) - see the 'Major Databases' tab.

Also see the E-Resources page to search individual collections, data and statistics, legal materials, standards/ ISOs and E-Book collections.

We provide a dedicated E-Learning Librarian to assist you in using Library resources. If you have any problems using the Library or technical problems, please see the Support area of the Library for Online Programmes. Also see our guides, videos, tutorials and Library Training Module available via the Library for Online Programmes.

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