Answered By: Gwen Jones
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025     Views: 244980

The University of Liverpool provides access to both EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online.

EndNote Desktop is a software application which is installed on your computer, whilst EndNote Online is a Web based platform for managing your references.  

See our Referencing guide to help you choose the package most appropriate to you. Please note you should always refer to any departmental/school guidelines you have been given.

EndNote Desktop is available off-campus to install on your own computer, see the ‘Off Campus’ tab in the Library EndNote support page. EndNote Desktop can be downloaded from the ITS Web site, then see the Software Downloads page and log into the ITS Software Portal.

Information on Endnote Desktop, including a user guide with tasks and video tutorials can be found in our Referencing guide.

EndNote Desktop can be accessed via free personal download, or on any campus MWS PC. It is also available using Apps Anywhere (a virtual connection to access University applications over the Internet).

Note – if you use EndNote Desktop using a campus PC or Apps Anywhere but require access to an EndNote library created on your own computer, you will need to ‘sync’ all instances of EndNote Desktop used (with ‘EndNote Online’). Please see our notes on synching your EndNote Library below.

Please note, when installing EndNote Desktop on Microsoft Windows you are recommended to right-click the install file and 'run as administrator', if you do not do this you may only see the 'trial' version after installing. 

Some users have reported downloading the trial version only, please see this guide to resolve this issue.

If you are having problems downloading EndNote Desktop onto your computer please contact the ITS Service Desk.

EndNote Desktop is not Web-based and stores references on your local computer.

If you are using EndNote Desktop on a personal device (your own computer off-campus) you should ‘sync’ your Library using an ‘EndNote Online’ account. This will ensure your EndNote library is periodically saved online, avoiding any future loss of data.

  1. In EndNote Desktop go to Edit > Preferences > Sync
  2. If you already have an ‘EndNote Online’ account you can supply the same email address and password when you registered for EndNote Online. Alternatively, click 'Enable Sync', then click 'Sign Up' to create an EndNote Online account.
  3. You are advised to use your campus ( email when registering. Please note all credentials used when setting up your EndNote Online account:

Synching EndNote Library

  1. Ensure 'Sync Automatically' is checked, then click 'OK'. 
  2. You can also log into the Web-based EndNote Online platform ( using your EndNote Online details to manage the Library in your Web browser. Also see our support page on EndNote Online.

You can view or register to attend our bookable workshops, visit the Library homepage and see the ‘Training and Events’ area. For the full timetable of events click All Events.  

If you have a question regarding EndNote, you can contact your Liaison Librarian to discuss.

You can add a Web site as a reference in EndNote Desktop. In EndNote Desktop, select References > New Reference.

A blank template will open with the Reference Type set to 'Journal'. Change the Reference Type to 'Web Page'. The information you need for a web reference may vary depending on the referencing style you are using.

For further details see the EndNote Desktop Guide (see 'Step by Step' tab): Task 9 (page 19).

For advice on exporting references from Scholar into EndNote, please see Task 6 (page 14) of the EndNote Desktop Guide.

You can use an ‘export’ or similar link/ option to save your references from most databases as a ‘RIS’ file, then use EndNote's import function to import the saved file of references into your EndNote library.  

For an example of importing references using the RIS file type please see Task 3 (page 5) of the EndNote Desktop Guide.

If you wish to use the "Find Full Text" option in EndNote (rather than going through the Library's web pages) to find PDFs or URLs to full text articles and attach them to your references, you will need to specify our OpenURL path and our Authentication URL in Endnote. These are:

OpenURL path:

Authentication URL:  Please leave this blank.

Within EndNote, choose the following options: 

Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text and enter the information above.

You can edit how EndNote Desktop displays your formatted references in Word documents. You can alter the display of in-text citations, or bibliography lists, or both.

Go to Tools > Output Styles and then click next to the style you wish to edit (you will need to click "Open Style Manager" if the style you want to edit isn't immediately available).

Output styles in EndNote Desktop

For EndNote X9, got to Edit > Output Styles and then click next to the style you wish to edit (you will need to click "Open Style Manager" if the style you want to edit isn't immediately available).

In the example below, we will be selecting the Harvard Style:

EndNote, Output styles page

The list of options will then disappear. Now repeat the same steps as above - go to Edit > Output styles (or Tools > Output Styles), only this time you will be able to click Edit "STYLE X" (in this case, Style X is Harvard):

EndNote, Output styles page

You will now be presented with a dialogue box from which you can choose to edit many different elements of the output style. In this example we are altering the number of author names that appear in an in-text citation:

EndNote dialogue box

Once you have made all the changes required, close the dialogue box by clicking the in the top right hand corner. You will be asked if you want to save your changes. Click Yes and give the style a suitable name.

You can remove the EndNote codes from your Word document by doing the following:

  1. Open your Word document.
  2. Click the EndNote tab in Word
  3. Select Convert Citations and Bibliography
  4. Select Convert to Plain text.

You will be prompted to save your document first as you may wish to keep a copy with the EndNote links intact for future reference. 

Note that removing codes may also change some Word formatting. It is a good idea to make a copy of your Word document before doing this.

For further advice on EndNote see the EndNote software page, see the ‘Step by Step Guide’ tab, then see our EndNote Desktop Guide.

Also see our EndNote Desktop Guide - this provides help using 'Groups' in EndNote (to categorise or automatically sort your references), importing reference data by adding a PDF and automatic import of multiple PDFs from a folder on your computer.

For videos and Webinars on using EndNote visit our EndNote Desktop support page, scroll a little way down the page then see guides, video and Webinars provided by EndNote.

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