Answered By: Gwen Jones
Last Updated: Oct 07, 2022     Views: 1732

Getting in touch

The Library welcomes feedback regarding the services we provide, and is open to suggestions, comments and feedback when things sometimes, unfortunately, go wrong. Whatever your feedback, the best way to contact us is via the email link in the Contact Us box. We will make sure that it is passed on to the appropriate person and that you receive a speedy response. Alternatively, please speak to a member of staff, or complete a Comments Card, which can be found at the Library Help Desks.


Making a formal complaint - the Library's Complaints Procedure

The Library aims, as far as possible, to resolve complaints informally at the time they arise. If, however, you remain unsatisfied, you may make a more formal complaint in writing. This should be sent by email to Alex Widdeson, Associate Director, Engagement and Innovation, or posted to her at: Sydney Jones Library, The University of Liverpool, P O Box 123, Liverpool, L69 3DA.


Taking the matter further

If you are still not satisfied with the reply you receive, email  Matt Greenhall, Director of Libraries, Museums and Galleries, or send a letter to him at the above address.

The Library reserves the right to publicise suggestions or complaints and our reply, if we feel it would be of interest to others. All personal information will be removed and your identity will not be disclosed.

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