Answered By: Andrew Willan Last Updated: Feb 09, 2023 Views: 10551
The Library provides online access to UK national and regional, international and historical newspaper collections.
To search for UK online newspapers use either Library Search or eNewspapers (newspaper databases).
Newspaper databases allow you to search for online newspapers in a variety of different ways:
- Cross search collections of online newspaper databases, such as Gale News Vault.
- Search individual databases that cross search a number of newspapers at any one time - such as Press Reader (last 60 days). For visitors and external users this database is available via our walk-in access facility in the Library.
- Search individual databases that only search a single newspaper title - such as
British Newspaper Archive
The British Newspaper Archive is free to search, but individuals have to pay to view full-text. Viewing the full-text for free is only available by visiting the British Library to access it from their reading rooms.
Online access to many digitised newspapers, including 19th Century British Library Newspapers is available via Gale NewsVault.
See the JISC Digitisation and Content Programme for the latest updates to the collection.
Local newspaper archives
Online access to the Liverpool Daily Post or Liverpool Echo is available for years beginning July 2001 but not before. The Library does not have any print or microform archives except for a few special issues (see Library Search).
Copies of local historical newspapers are also held in the Library’s Special Collections & Archives department (SC&A). Details can be found using Library Search.
Online access to other historical local newspapers is available via the Gale NewsVault.
Microfilm archives of most local newspapers are held at the Liverpool Record Office at Liverpool Central Library on William Brown Street. Online access to selected back issues of the Liverpool Echo is also available on the library's pcs for registered British Newspaper Archive users.
The Library provides access to a wide range of news and current affairs publications, whether newspapers, magazines or other periodicals, in a variety of formats.
In addition to weekday online newspapers The Economist is available in print form to either read or borrow.
Most news publications and other popular magazines are available online. Press Reader provides access for the most recent 60 days coverage.
Contemporary newspapers etc. can also be accessed via the Lexis+ News and Westlaw UK.
. In addition, digitized newspaper archives are also available. For details see the e-newspapers guide.The Library also has direct online access to both the Financial Times and Times Higher Education. Prior registration for both websites is required.
Details of all online periodical titles are available via Library Search.
Archive copies of The Times, Sunday Times, TES and THE are also available in microform in the Sydney Jones Library. If you wish to use these please enquire at the Help Desk.
For further information about using newspaper databases, consult a Liaison Librarian who works in this particular area:
The University of Liverpool holds an NLA (Newspaper Licensing Agency) Licence, which allows members of University staff to make copies of cuttings from newspapers either for their own work-related use or for that of their colleagues, or to distribute them to students for educational and instructional purposes.
In short, the licence will allow the following:
- Photocopy cuttings
- Distribute photocopied cuttings to other members of staff or to students
- Include photocopied cuttings in course-packs or hand-outs
- Make temporary digital versions of cuttings (i.e. scan them)
- Provide hyperlinks to other members of staff or to students which will direct them to temporary digital cuttings (e.g. so that each recipient may print out a copy)
- Include temporary digital cuttings in PowerPoint slides and display them to other members of staff or to students.
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