Answered By: Arabel
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024     Views: 146

When a reading list is submitted for review, the Reading List Support Team will check each item on the reading list and assign to it a “review outcome”. This “review outcome” is used to indicate a decision or action that’s been made by the Library. 

Once the review is completed, the Team will update you by email, sending through a spreadsheet of review outcomes alongside a review outcomes key detailing what that outcome means.  

Dependent on the outcome assigned, the key will also show further options you may want to take.


Our Action

Your Options

Limited licence eBook

  • To support limited access (Single or 3 User), print has been added
  • To compensate, up to 5 print copies will be purchased if this title is KEY in line with current purchasing policy
  • Suggest 1 chapter or up to 10% of the title to be digitised and added to the reading list to be viewed online
  • Suggest an alternative title as a replacement
  • Discuss further options with your Liaison Librarian

Online Resource Unavailable

  • To compensate, up to 5 print copies will be purchased if this title is KEY in line with current purchasing policy
  • Suggest 1 chapter or up to 10% of the title to be digitised and added to the reading list to be viewed online
  • Suggest an alternative title as a replacement
  • Discuss further options with your Liaison Librarian

Not yet published


  • Title will be purchased when published and added to the reading list

  • Suggest an alternative title as a replacement

Restricted stock availability

  • To compensate 2nd hand print copies will be purchased if available.

  • Title is out of print and no digital version is available
  • Suggest an alternative title as a replacement
  • Suggest 1 chapter or up to 10% of the title to be digitised and added to the reading list to be viewed online

Digitisation requested

  • The digitised chapter/article will be added to the reading list and made live/available

Online resource added


  • eBook order and added
  • eBook added if already in library stock
  • No action required

Print added


  • Print ordered and added
  • Print added if already in library stock
  • No action required

No action required


  • No action required
  • Sufficient number of copies are already in stock (print and/or eBook)

More detail needed

  • We will order the resource once we have sufficient information
  • Please fill in as much detail as possible to ensure the correct title is added/purchased as current information is too general
  • Bookmark from Amazon if title not already in library stock to ensure full information

New edition added


  • We have ordered the new edition and will add to the reading list on arrival
  • No action required if you are happy with the newer edition
  • Contact if you want the older edition reinstated

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