Answered By: Nadia Woods
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025     Views: 28923

Members of the public may apply for membership of the Sydney Jones and Harold Cohen libraries, for reference use only.

You must demonstrate a specific need to use the University Library such as consulting material not available elsewhere locally. If you cannot give a specific reason we may direct you to the public library.

In order to prioritise and properly support our core users we cannot provide access for study space.

Applications should be made by completing our online application form. You may also be able to join via one of the other Library Membership Options available.

Note that during University assessment periods, due to the pressure on study space, access to the libraries is restricted for members of the public and other external members. 

  • Applications for registration should be made by completing the application form.
  • You will need to attach an image of valid photo ID, proof of your current home address, and a passport style photo - this will be used to make your ID card. 
  • We will email once your ID card is ready to collect. Please wait until you have received this email before visiting as you will not be allowed in without your ID card. 
  • There is a charge of £5 for all members of the public cards. This is to be paid when you collect your ID card, after your application has been approved. 
  • There is a £5 charge when registration is renewed, which is generally on an annual basis. The card is valid for 12 months.
  • Note that this charge does not apply to the following categories of member:

Visit the Library Membership options page for more information about different memberships and to see whether fees apply.  


Forms of ID and proof of address accepted

One from each category below must be provided by the applicant to prove ID and current address:

Photographic ID

  • Current signed passport
  • National Identity card bearing a photograph of the applicant 
  • European Economic Area member state identity card
  • Current UK or EEA photo card driving license
  • Travel pass with photo card

The above documents can be accepted as proof of address as long as they include your current address. If not, one of the following below can be used as evidence of address, alongside the photographic ID above:

Proof of address

  • Current UK or EEA paper driving licence (without photo)
  • Utility bill issued within the last 3 months
  • Local authority council tax bill for the current council tax year 
  • Benefit book or original notification letter from Benefits Agency
  • Bank, Building Society or credit union statement of passbook
  • NHS medical card
  • Council or Housing Association rent card or tenancy agreement for the current year

Once your application has been approved, members of the public can access our libraries:

  • Monday - Friday, 9am - 7pm
  • Saturday and Sunday, 9am - 5pm

When visiting Special Collections and Archives, please continue to book an appointment via email


Will members of the public be asked to leave outside of access hours?

If you are already in our libraries you will not be asked to leave and can stay. However, if you leave the Library after access hours, you will not be able to return that evening as access will not be permitted:

  • After 7pm, Monday to Friday
  • After 5pm, Saturday and Sunday
  • Members of Public membership is for reference only, members of public will not be able to borrow any items.
  • Members of Public can access the Library's eResources via a Guest PC (Walk-In Access) in the Library
  • For access to Wi-Fi, if you are visiting from an institution that participates in the eduroam scheme you will be able to log in to the eduroam Wi-Fi using your own institution username and password. You will need to speak to your own institution's help desk before visiting the University to set this up. If you are unable to use eduroam we can give you temporary wifi through GuestNet, please ask at the library Help Desk.

Using the Walk-In Access

  • The walk-in access service (Guest PC) is available at the Harold Cohen and Sydney Jones Library during staffed hours.
  • Once you are a registered Member of the Public you can use this service on production of your library card.
  • To use this service please see the Help Desk in either library.


eResources available

Our Library Catalogue is freely available and includes details of all of our eJournals and eBooks, however access requires a login (which is made possible through walk-in access).

The following online resources are not available to walk-in users/non members of the university due to licensing restrictions:

  • American Association for Cancer Research e-journals
  • Elsevier MDL DiscoveryGate databases and major reference works
  • Euromonitor Passport GMID
  • MarketLine Advantage
  • LexisNexis/Butterworths
  • Mintel market reports
  • Westlaw


Printing or saving via Walk-In Access

Registered walk-in users can print from the Guest PC subject to copyright conditions and as long as this is for non-commercial use only ie. for private study or research. For printing please see the Help Desk.

Printing and scanning for any other use (internet web pages, personal emails, other documents) is only available for staff and students as this requires a username and password to access the University network. Visitors should access the public library service if they require access to printing or scanning facilities for these purposes. 

Changing members of the public hours will prioritise and improve the experience for our University community and will ensure proper support for our core users (University of Liverpool students and staff).

For information about access times see When can customers access the Library?

If you have any questions or would like to enquire about cancelling your membership please email us at with the subject title 'Member of Public Membership Query'.  Our team will be happy to help. 

  • Renewal is usually required on an annual basis (some customers may have a longer card expiry date).
  • To renew or order a replacement for a lost or damaged card please re-apply using the Online Application Form
  • You will receive an e-mail when the renewal has been processed and a new card is available to collect (if applicable). This email will inform you of any fees that need payment
  • For further information /advice please contact the Library using any of the Contact Us options listed on the Library website.

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