Answered By: Colette Lilley Last Updated: Jan 08, 2025 Views: 15710
All staff and students are automatically members of the University Library. Your ID card is your library card.
Applications for Library membership cards should be made remotely by completing our Online Application Form. If you are unable to apply online or have any questions about membership please contact us at
Please note, we are currently reviewing our membership options to better serve our members. From 8 January, all new and renewed memberships in the following categories will only be valid until 31 August 2025 whilst this review takes place:
- Member of the public
- Corporate/External membership
- Former UoL staff
- Teachers in the Merseyside area
We will share details of the new arrangements later this academic year.
SCONUL access is a national scheme which allows academic staff, postgraduates and part-time, placement or distance learning undergraduates from participating institutions to register with, and borrow from, other university libraries.
The University of Liverpool Library is a member of SCONUL Access. If you fall into any of the above categories you can apply online for Sconul Access membership. You will see if your University is part of the SCONUL Access scheme.
Once your application is approved by your home library you can apply remotely using our Online Application Form.
Sconul band A, B and C can borrow up to ten books for four weeks. Items are auto-renewed every four weeks unless requested by another customer.
- Band A (Staff or Research Postgraduates from other Universities)
- Band B (Part Time Postgraduates or Undergraduates/ distance learner / placement from other Universities),
- Band C (full time PG from other universities)
Sconul band R (Full time Undergraduates) can only use the library for reference purposes.
Mainstream IT facilities, short loan materials and Inter-Library Loan are not included in the scheme. Visitor access to a wide range of the Library’s electronic journals and databases is available. Please ask at the Library Help Desks for Walk-in Access. SCONUL members can access their own library’s e-resources through the Eduroam scheme.
We are also part of the SCONUL Summer Vacation Scheme. For further information see I am a student/staff member at another university. Can I use the Library?
Please note: Some universities are not part of the SCONUL Scheme. If you are a member of a University that does not participate in SCONUL then you are welcome to apply for a Visitor card but will be exempt from paying the £5 fee.
Graduates of the University of Liverpool are welcome to join the Library as Alumni members following graduation.
Alumni can borrow up to 10 books for four weeks. All items are auto-renewed every four weeks unless requested by another customer. The only exception to this are Library Use Only books which can be used within the Library for reference purposes only. These are clearly labelled with a yellow sticker.
8 reservations can be placed.
Alumni can also access many of the library’s range of the library’s extensive electronic resources through the Walk-in access to University Library e-resources service. This service is available to registered members of the library who are able to visit the library in person. Please ask at the Help Desk in the Harold Cohen or Sydney Jones Library.
In addition there is access to both JSTOR and Project Muse eJournal collections. See the Alumni online journals page for information about these collections.
To access these resources you will need to register separately with the Alumni Community .
The Inter-Library Loan service is available at the full commercial rate.
Please note, we are currently reviewing our membership options to better serve our members. From 8 January, all new and renewed memberships will only be valid until 31 August 2025 whilst this review takes place. We will share details of the new arrangements later this academic year.
Commercial companies and organisations can apply for Corporate Membership. Membership rates are by negotiation. Corporate members are normally able to borrow up to ten ordinary loan items for a period of four weeks which are auto-renewed subject to recall and have access to all the Library's publicly available facilities and the Inter-Library Loan service (at full commercial rate).
Corporate members do not have access to computing facilities or electronic resources, except through the visitor access.
A contact person must be designated to be responsible for all material borrowed on the Corporate membership card. Organisations wishing to apply should contact the Library team, with the subject “Corporate Membership Enquiry”.
Please note, we are currently reviewing our membership options to better serve our members. From 8 January, all new and renewed memberships will only be valid until 31 August 2025 whilst this review takes place. We will share details of the new arrangements later this academic year.
Teachers working in schools in the Merseyside area are eligible to join as borrowing members free of charge. Teaching Members are able to borrow up to ten items for a loan period of four weeks and the Inter-Library Loan service is available at the full commercial rate. All borrowed items are auto-renewed every four weeks unless requested by another customer. The only exception to this are Library Use Only books which can be used within the Library for reference purposes only. These are clearly labelled with a yellow sticker.
Membership does not provide access to computing facilities, or any electronic resources, other than by use of the visitor access.
Liverpool Law Society members can join the Library as borrowing members. Please apply in person at either the Sydney Jones or Harold Cohen Library. Bring photo identification and proof of Law Society Membership. Membership will be for one year and can be renewed.
Liverpool Law Society members can borrow ten items for four weeks. Items are auto-renewed unless requested by another customer. The only exception to this are Library Use Only books which can be used within the Library for reference purposes only. These are clearly labelled with a yellow sticker. Society members can borrow material from the entire print collection; borrowing rights are not restricted to the Law Collection.
Please note that membership is offered on an individual basis, not by Firm or Chambers.
For more information about what Liverpool Law Society member and joining the Library see I am a member of the Liverpool Law Society, can I use the University Library?
Sixth form students (Years 12 and 13) can generally use the library for reference use, on production of a letter from their school or college confirming that you are a student and the date you expect to leave school. On receipt of these, a Visitor Card will be issued that will allow you access to the library.
Some categories of sixth form student can borrow, e.g. students on the Scholars programme and students at the University of Liverpool Maths School. Please contact the library at for further information
Anyone studying to A-Levels or the International Baccalaureate can use the library for their research. Often research will be for the the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
For more information about registering as a user of the library use one of the Contact Us options.
For further information about the services we provide to local schools and colleges see What services do you offer to local schools and colleges?
Staff and students from the Liverpool Medical Institute can register with the Library and borrow up to 10 items. Proof of status must be shown at the point of registration.
Retired staff
Retired staff of the University of Liverpool can join the library as Associate Members for as long as they wish, on production of a letter from Human Resources confirming their status as a retired member of staff. They have the same borrowing rights as full-time staff. Retired staff are also entitled to use Get it For Me.
Retired staff will not have an MWS login and will need to use the Guest PC to access online resources. For more information see Computing Services guidance for members of staff and students leaving the University.
Former University of Liverpool staff
Please note, we are currently reviewing our membership options to better serve our members. From 8 January, all new and renewed memberships will only be valid until 31 August 2025 whilst this review takes place. We will share details of the new arrangements later this academic year.
Former University of Liverpool staff who have left the University but not retired are welcome to apply for visitor access. Please see the below section on ‘Member of Public’ for more information on access.
If you have a MWS (Managed Windows Service) login please see relevant section for Honorary Staff on how to apply for a Smart card. A Smart card will also provide access to Library services including borrowing rights.
If you do not have a MWS username and password, please bring along a letter from your department and apply for a card at the HelpDesk during staffed hours.
If you are unsure whether or not you have MWS logins please contact us and we will be able to assist you with that.
If you are following an accredited Continuing Education course you will be issued with a student card and have full access with borrowing rights to the Library for the duration of your course.
You should apply for your student ID card through the Reception Office in the Continuing Education department (located at 126 Mount Pleasant - building 114 (grid C4) on the campus map). You will need to supply a passport sized photograph. You should also apply in the Continuing Education department if you need to renew your card.
For further information regarding the resources available to CE students please refer to Continuing Education.
If you are not following an accredited course, you can still use the Library for reference and research; see Using the Library as a visitor.
Support Workers for students on an SSIS Plan are eligible for a Visitor card. This allows entrance to the library but no borrowing. Support Workers can apply for their Visitor Card free of charge.
Member of Public – Reference Only
Please note, we are currently reviewing our membership options to better serve our members. From 8 January, all new and renewed memberships will only be valid until 31 August 2025 whilst this review takes place. We will share details of the new arrangements later this academic year.
Members of the public can join the Library if they can demonstrate a specific need. If a specific need cannot be demonstrated we may refer you to Central Library or other local public libraries.
You must be over the age of 16 to use the University libraries.
Library access is restricted to:
- Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm
- Saturday & Sunday 9am to 5pm
During the University exam and assessment periods in January and April/May/June access will be withdrawn due to pressure on our study spaces.
Member of Public Membership grants:
- Access to the Sydney Jones and Harold Cohen Libraries (within restricted hours listed above).
- Reference only access to print materials
- Access to e-resources via our walk-in access facility (subject to availability) see Can I use online resources as a Visitor?
- Photocopying (subject to copyright restrictions).
- wifi access through GuestNet.
Member of Public Membership DOES NOT include:
- Access to any of the bookable study spaces
- General PC use – the walk-in PC is only for accessing e-resources
- Any borrowing rights to books, material, resources, or equipment.
- Scanning
- Printing
For enquiries about alternative membership options, please email with your request (subject title External Membership Query) so that this can be considered by our Management Team. Where relevant an annual charge will apply for this service.
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