Answered By: Clair Sharpe
Last Updated: Feb 03, 2023     Views: 836

Go to My Lists on the navigation bar. To see a list, click the title.

You will see your own lists in Edit mode, with the option to ADD RESOURCE / PARAGRAPH / SECTION. Click the title or thumbnail of any item to expand the view and see its library availability etc.

Click ADD RESOURCE to add a new item to your list.

A pop-up box will appear. If you have already bookmarked items, your recent bookmarks will appear first, under the heading RECENTLY BOOKMARKED (For more information about bookmarking, see this FAQ - How do I install the Add to my bookmarks bookmarklet tool? (Course convenor).

You can search a database of books in print (Nielson BookData) to Quick Add books to your list.

Book search box

The results will appear under the heading BOOKS SEARCH.

Choose the item you want to add, by clicking its title. The more detailed screen will show if the item is in our library.

Book search results indicating if already in the library or not

To add an item from BOOKS SEARCH, click the plus sign.

The book will be inserted into your list (and added to your Bookmarks).

If you add books to your list that the library doesn't have, please remember to Review and publish or go to the Edit menu and Request review. This means that library staff will check your list and order new books etc as necessary. 

If you have any questions or problems, please contact your Liaison Librarian.

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